Whether you choose the non-flush or flush option, our HDPE-crafted portalets feature essential amenities, gender indicators, and robust construction for a reliable and comfortable experience.

  1. Outdoor Events and Festivals
  2. Construction Sites
  3. Emergency Situations

  • Versatile Sanitation Solution: Indigo Prefab House’s portalets provide versatile sanitation options with both flush and non-flush toilet models, catering to various needs and preferences.
  • Durable and Smart Design: Crafted from HDPE, our portalets are not only durable but also feature smart designs, including gender indicators, in-use signs, mirrors, and essential accessories, ensuring a comfortable user experience.
  • Efficient Waste Management: With waste tank capacities and innovative features like foot control flush, our portalets are designed for efficient waste management, ensuring cleanliness and convenience.

We offer fabrication or installation services tailored to your specifications and project needs.

Material Standards: We adhere to the Q235 and Q345 material standards to ensure quality and durability.

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Reach out to us today, and let's get started on creating prefab houses that meet your specific requirements.